Author: Bella's Mom

Can Having a Pet Reduce Bullying in Children?

We all know the positive impacts that pets have on our emotions, our mental and physical health and our quality of life.   Did you know that pets can also help children fight against...


What Super Power Did You Use Today?

As Homeless Pet Day comes to a close, I wonder what super powers you used today to remember them all… Did you Adopt… Foster… Donate… Educate?  I would love to hear from you about...

Humane rescue dogs were used after the 9-11 attacks

Remembering the Survivors

Today was a difficult  day for most Americans as we remember the horrific events of 9-11.  If you are anything like me, you have watched every Facebook video, read every Twitter comment and cried at the haunting...

Join Bella and Her Backyard Buddies

“Mom……. Mommy…..MOMMY”…….Don’t you know what day it is?” said Bella.   Bella started banging her tail against the side of her Mommy’s bed to try to get her to wake up.  It was a sunny...

Using Your Super Powers to Help

So, yesterday, I challenged you to think about what super powers you might have that you can use to help animals in need.  How did that go???? If you still aren’t sure about how...

What’s Your Superpower?

Many of you that are reading this post have, at one time or another, wondered…” how can I help?”  We all have special “super powers”, as I like to call them, that we can use to...

Love in Their Eyes

I have been spending quite a bit of time scrolling on my Facebook feed  in recent days, and I am saddened, but at the same time, not surprised by, what I see and read there...


Ready…. Set…. Go….

Well, ready or not, we are off and running…. may all the dreams we dream come true……  “Where are we running to?” you might  ask.  Well, much like a mind map, this dream goes out in...


Bella’s Story

The first thing that I noticed about Bella on that day was her beautiful, albeit it, very sad eyes.  We first met at the Castaic, California Animal Shelter on a day that changed both...